Military Families Expired Coupon Program

                  Hayden Coupon Mom
Military Families Unused and Expired Coupon Program

Did you know that overseas military members can use expired coupons up to six months past their expiration date?  Military families stationed overseas are often living on one income and money can be scarce. Let’s support our military by showing them we appreciate all they do for us and mail them our unused and expired coupons!  
The readers of Hayden Coupon Mom are coming together each month to support our adopted Military Base at  Wiesbaden, Germany.

Which Coupons Can They Use?
Manufacturer Coupons
Sunday Newspaper Coupons
Printed Internet Coupons (Manufacturer)
*They cannot use store specific coupons : Target, Publix, Walgreens, etc.

Separating Coupons:
Please place coupons into two separate baggies.
1. Food
2. Non-Food
Most military bases have 2 stores. One is called the “Commissary” which is a grocery store and the other is the PX or BX which is a department store. We therefore ask you to sort the coupons into “food” and “non-food” bundles so that they can more easily be placed in the correct venue once they arrive at the base. Please use a plastic storage bag so the coupons do not get lost or mixed up, and label them "food" and "non-food" this is easier once they arrive!

*There is no minimum or maximum donation!

Where Do I Send My Coupons?
Hayden Coupon Mom has adopted two wonderful Military Families station at Wiesbaden, Germany. Jenny will be sorting and taking the coupons you send to the commissary for other military families to use! Let's show our Military and their families we appreciated all they do to protect our great country! Also consider splitting up your expired coupons between both families :)
Mail coupons to:

Jenny Antasek
CMR 467 Box 4703
APO, AE  09096


Krystel Thompson
CMR 445 Box 1458
APO, AE 09046


PSC 561 BOX 139
FPO AP 96310

*Please put on the baggies and I will share all mail from these families on my blog!
*Please be sure to weigh your envelope at the post office to ensure proper postage! International Flat Rate boxes are also good if you have a bunch!

Get your children, church groups, preschool classes, ect involved!
This is a great way to show the next generation about appreciation for our military! Get the kids together, show them on a map where you are sending the coupons and why! The lessons are endless!