"Heard the buzz from other ballpark moms who are saving tons of money by couponing?! You'd like to learn how but just can't seem to find the time?! Let me meet you at the BALLPARK to teach you!" Want to get a Free Coupon Starter Set? Host the Party at the ballpark! Just get with the other moms and see who wants to party and send me the number of attending, the date and time you get arranged! March Special: Group of 10 or more $5 per person and the Host of the party is free! This special is also available for parties outside of the ballpark as well! (see below)
What is a Coupon Party?
A Coupon Party is similar to a Pampered Chef, Premiere Jewelry, etc party. You host the party at your location (home, church, ballpark, etc.) As the host you will receive a special gift from Hayden Coupon Mom, a Coupon Start-up set. Now invite you friends! Its that easy! I will come and teach you and your friends the ins and outs of the coupon world! You will all receive my Coupon Reference Guide that will help you to get started and have as a reference at home. Just you? That's OK I also do one on one classes!
Special Gift for being a Coupon Party Host:
*Starter Coupon Binder
*Coupon Holder Sheets
*Coupons to go in your binder
Guests will Receive:
*Opportunities throughout the party to win free coupons!
*Coupon Reference Guide
What will I learn?
I will teach you everything you need to know about how to coupon: Starting your coupon binder, how and where to get your coupons, where and how to shop to save the most money, how to start your stockpile, and much much more!
How Long is the party?
A party usually takes an hour to 90 minutes depending on questions and how much interaction there is.
If interested in hosting or attending a Ballpark Coupon Party please contact Me at
haydencouponmom@gmail.com or you can contact me from my home page
http://www.haydencouponmom.blogspot.com for prices and to book your party. I look forward to teaching you how to coupon!